Author Archives: annie zirkel

ABCGMA_logoHere are my answers to the first two GMA Guru Questions. If you think I give good advice, please Vote on, Comment on, or Facebook 'like' them. And even if the subjects don't appeal to you, if you are open - I can GUARANTEE you will learn something for yourself in each of them.

Answer #3: Aging, Guilt & Family Tradition

Answer #2: Preparing Girls for Puberty

Answer #1: Mom & ME Time and taking time for you

(Votes are cumulative over all the questions. Vote box is at the end of the article.) ...continue reading

ABCGMA_logoIt's official! Out of 15,000 applicants, amazingly, I am one of 20 finalists in Good Morning America's new Advice Guru!

This is an amazing opportunity and one that I think I would be wonderful at! But here is where I need your help for a change.

So if you believe in me and my work and want to help, here are some ways to do that:

Read, Vote on, Comment on, FB Like, and/or Share my GMA Advice (See above for links). ...continue reading

LonelyWomanDear Annie,

While helping others deal with stress is important, what do I do if I am the stressed person? It seems like I have so many issues to deal with on a day-to-day basis. I've been seeing a counselor and am on medication but I still get so stressed out at times that it makes me physically ill. Do you have any suggestions? ~ Overwhelmed with Stress

Dear Overwhelmed,

I gave you that name because that is where you are right now. Once your life and body get overwhelmed with stress it is a different challenge than preventing or just maintaining a calmer state-of-mind. Your body is likely - literally - overdosing on cortisol, the stress hormone. So the first thing is to work to remove as much of this from your system as possible. Which means intervention now, prevention later. ...continue reading

ABCGMA_logoWell, it's official!

As of Monday morning - I am one of 20 finalists in Good Morning America's search for an Advice Guru!

Not sure what happens next but I am feeling pretty happy to have made it through over 15,000 applications to the top 20.

Want to know more? Here are 3 things to do if you're interested:

  1. Check out my application at GMA, feel free to leave a comment or 'like' it.
  2. You can also ask a question at GMA here.

Oh - and wish me luck!

Massage TherapyStress is like the flu. It can get passed on just by coming into contact with someone who has it! And holidays - with all their high expectations, sense of obligations, crowd navigations, and family connections - set up the perfect conditions for catching and passing on this bug.

But even if you yourself are good at keeping stress at bay (or just don't need anyone else's), there are likely all kinds of people in your life that are coughing and sneezing and groaning about their aches and pains. So if you want to help a person who's laid up with a bad case of stress, here are 3 steps to consider:

Step 1. Practice Prevention. Stay healthy with your own stress. Don't get too close to others who are infected and definitely don't use their condition as an excuse to add your own stress to a potential epidemic. And don't forget to practice good handwashing throughout the day to keep from spreading stress to others. ...continue reading

Married_mans_ring_fingerHi Annie,

Here is my situation. I'm upset that my husband has an ex-coworker friend - female - that he texts everyday. She lives about 3 hours away, is about 20 years younger than him and is divorced.

He assures me that there's nothing romantic going on and has made an attempt to keep the texting down when we're out for dinner, but every night he's in the TV room and they are texting a lot.

He has left two wives (one which was me - we have remarried) for other women. So if I accept what he's saying, am I fooling myself?

Signed ~ Fool for Love

Dear Dear Woman, ...continue reading

So what do you think?Dog Training vs Couple Training

Dog training or Couple's training, which one do people like better?


Now, I'm not saying that this is a scientific study or anything, but from what I'm seeing dogs win. Hands down.

A brief explanation: I offer a half day couple's training that can be registered for on-line through Ann Arbor Rec and Ed. Because of how the alphabet works, before they started adding winter classes, Dog Training came right before my Fight Right, Love Better class. Checking in to see how registration was going, I found that the last Dog Training class filled fast and you'd better hurry up for the January session. My class however is not even getting a bite. ...continue reading


When my son was in 7th grade, he was particularly short.

Genetically predisposed to being a late bloomer, he found himself suddenly surrounded in a sea of students who had literally grown a foot overnight. Between gawky limbs, swirling body odor, deepening voices and the constant chatter of socially-dawning teenagers, my undersized son worked to maneuver the halls and the rules of middle school.

Fortunately, he entered this era happy and with plenty of friends, so being short wasn't an issue. That is until one day his friends and classmates got the idea that pointing out his height was funny.

The first few times it happened he laughed along. He wasn't thrilled by the focus but a little kidding about it wasn't a big deal. But it didn't stop. Within a month the teasing had gone from an occasional Hobbit joke to a seemingly constant flow of “short" remarks and hallway head pats. ...continue reading

ABCGMA_logo#1: The following is the first of 3 questions for the ABC Good Morning America Advice Guru Challenge. I applied for the position. What do you think of my 150-word-or-less answer?

Whenever there is an issue between my mother-in-law and me, my husband refuses to stand up for me. How do I get him to value our relationship more than the one with his mother?

Annie Answers: Do you and your husband agree that marriage is about having each other's backs? If not - I think I've found the real challenge. But if so then you need to ask him to have yours. In order to grow in your relationship as opposed to grow apart - he will need to set the record straight with his mom that you matter. ...continue reading

ABCGMA_logo#2: The following is the second of 3 questions for the ABC Good Morning America Advice Guru Challenge. I applied for the position. What do you think of my 150-word-or-less answer?

While cleaning my son's room, I accidentally saw on his Facebook page threatening remarks from his friends. I fear he's being bullied. What should I do?

Annie Answers: The bottom line is to be the kind of parent your son needs. Start by not freaking out - calm parenting trumps crazed parenting any day.

Explain how you came to see the posts, apologize for the intrusion and then - calmly - find out what is going on. Your goal is to determine how real the threat is. And that starts with listening. ...continue reading