What’s Your Mantra? How it started…

pocketful front cover lgLast fall, I heard about a small little book that promised to help the reader quickly shift their thoughts to be more positive and happy.

I bought it.

But when it arrived, it wasn't just the size that threw me, but that there were no quick tips on how to do those quick shifts. Disappointed that I didn't get the book I had expected, I thought, maybe I should write it then.

My intention was to create a very simple little instruction guide with a little wisdom and a few tips on how to catch and change one's thoughts and shift them so we could become less stressed, less angry, more relaxed, calmer and happier.

I started gathering mantras and stories of my own, then I reached out to the world. I was unprepared for the overwhelming response.

It too me a while to wrap my head around just how to organize and share all the awesome  pearls of wisdom I had received, but I am very happy that that little project grew into the full-fledged series called: What's Your Mantra?

The first of the series is out: A Pocketful of Mantras: A collection of 200+ deceptively simple phrases to help you think positive, reduce stress, lighten up, and be happier.

Early reviews have confirmed that I was on the right track. Check out the book and visit Annie's Bookstore to get yours.

And stay tuned... What's Your Mantra? A collection of mantras and stories to help you think positive, reduce stress, lighten up, and be happier with stories and more mantras is due out in January 2013 and Powerful Parenting Mantras in Spring 2013.


Have a mantra to share? Send them to mantra@whats-your-mantra.com or join us on facebook at www.facebook.com/whatisyourmantra